Response & Recovery Services for the State of Hawai’i

Case Study Disaster Response and Recovery Support Services for the State of Hawai’i Hawai’i Emergency Management Agency (HI-EMA)

Solutions (cont’d.)

DR-4194 TS Iselle Tidal Basin was instrumental in training and guiding the Hawai‘i Department of Public Works in setting up a self-debris monitoring operation for their extensive debris removal process recognized by FEMA. Identified and negotiated incorrect work category assignments. By correcting the category assignment (Category A-Debris Removal), the sub-recipient utilized the PA Alternative Procedures Pilot Program for debris removal, authorized by the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act of 2013. This allowed them to receive funding for straight time, labor and expenses and increased federal cost shares, which was afforded by the pilot program’s sliding-scale procedure. Tidal Basin conducted training for state and local officials on the PA process and debris removal operations. Assisted the state with PW formulation. A roof repair PW was initially written for approximately $29,000. Our team, in cooperation with the sub-recipient, established historical costs based on competitively bid contracts, raising the project costs to $214,000 – a 738% increase over the original amount. Provided strategic advice to the State on appeals. Originally, the Hawaii National Guard was deemed ineligible for reimbursement because the Guard does not incur overtime. Tidal Basin demonstrated that all costs borne

by the State for the Guard (while engaged in eligible work) were in fact eligible; adding approximately $250,000 to the State’s eligible cost reimbursement. DR-4282 Maui County Severe Storms, Flooding and Landslides Tidal Basin provided Grantee-level grant management services to aid all Maui County and State applicants through the Public Assistance (PA) process. Our team continues to provide closeout services and guidance for reconciling open projects that were significantly underestimated by FEMA, including adding 406 mitigation proposals where applicable. DR-4510 Hawai‘i COVID-19 Pandemic Tidal Basin supported the State’s response and recovery from the COVID-19 Pandemic, including all FEMA PA Program grant management activities and CARES Act support. Our team was instrumental in overseeing Mass Feeding Programs and providing guidance for compliance with FEMA requirements for reimbursement. All Hawai‘i Disasters from 2006 DR 1664 to 2022 DR 4639 Tidal Basin continues to provide guidance for open projects and closeout services.

State of Hawai’i Key Project Highlights • Technical Assistance • Individual Assistance • Debris Monitoring • Training • Disaster Recovery • PW Formulation • Strategic Advice • Program Implementation • PA Program Delivery Model Implementation • Grant Management • Surge Staffing

Resilience Delivered

Tidal Basin’s extensive time on the islands continues to provide us with a working knowledge of the State’s historical and cultural concerns, as well as logistical and environmental challenges. As demonstrated by our swift response to the Maui Wildfires, the combined capabilities of

the Tidal Basin Team, including Michael Baker and MLU, enable us to provide added value to the state with long-term disaster wrap- around services for housing and infrastructure programs, allowing us to continues to bolster Hawaii’s resilience against future disasters.


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